K1 Kickboxing classes for 7 to 10 year olds
Kickboxing classes at Get Hyped in Frinton and Walton.

K1 Kickboxing (school years 3 to 6)
Tuesday – 5pm to 6pm
Wednesday – 5pm to 6pm
At the Get Hyped Studio, The Triangle, Frinton on Sea, CO13 0AU
7to 10 years, ‘The Golden Age’
7 to 10 years is known as the ‘golden age’ for a child in terms of fully developing their physical literacy. Their levels of concentration, co-ordination, balance, social skills and communication are sufficient to perform more complex tasks at a high level, whilst they still have the natural enthusiasm to embrace new things wholeheartedly.
Why Kickboxing?
Kickboxing is constantly evolving, it takes in skills from a number of cultures throughout the world from Korea (Taekwondo), Japan (Karate), China (Kung Fu), Great Britain (Boxing), France (Savate) and Thailand (Muay Thai). In our curriculum all these skills are carefully woven together to provide what we believe is the most complete kickboxing education available. Add to this real world age specific self defence and life skills and you’ll see why just calling it a martial art doesn’t do it justice, this is the best child development program you’ll ever find.
AND if you’ve got this far and you’re thinking ‘sounds great, but I really don’t want my little one hitting someone or getting hit’ well here’s the thing, they don’t have to if they don’t want to, there is no contact involved while they learn the basics and once they get to orange belt they can choose to take part in an additional sparring class. Up to the age of 14 sparring is non-headshot and is incredibly safe, in fact it has a better safety record than rugby, football and even ten pin bowling!
Class Structure
In this age group we hold pads for the students, this is one less thing for them to worry about so they can concentrate on building the very best core technique possible. Our typical class structure is:
Warm up
Including sprints, locomotion movements, footwork patterns and stretching.
Core technique
Working on punches, kicks and defence techniques on pads or bags from our number system.
We breakdown the combo of the week on pads or bag.
We have a variety of games we like to play in class, from combat tag variations that are a pre-requisite to sparring to dodge ball and prison break for a fun end to the session.
7 to 10 years FAQ’s…
Everything you need to know about our 8-10 years kickboxing class.
After that, to continue at a discounted rate we ask for monthly payment in advance by direct debit if possible. If you want to continue paying weekly the per session cost rises to £7.50. Click here for full details